Brown’s narrative depicts Vince Lombardi as a strict disciplinarian while he was still in high school in New York City—“Shut up, you morons!” he bellows when left in charge of his classmates—and a larger-than-life presence. He’s an avid student of football during assistant-coaching ...
They work with technical artists and programmers to ensure that the assets are properly implemented, optimized, and functioning as intended within the game engine. This involves tasks such as setting up material shaders, adjusting lighting and textures, and optimizing polygon counts to maintain ...
Links from the ook world: I've resolved to only read the books I really want to read, The Truth About Fiction; the bestseller list is not mathematically objective; it is editorial content, which is protected by the First Amendment, What Counts as a Bestseller? - Public Books; What's new...
As always, titles are in stock at Old Town Books, though I encourage you to support an indie near you. Let’s begin! And remember, those with more mature readers may want to scroll past the first two titles here and get straight to the meatier stuff. « Read the rest of this entr...
“What could an indie developer from Canada possibly talk about that might captivate an audience with the most colorful resumes in the industry,” she said. “Then I thought, maybe it’s just that. As such, I’m not standing here as an industry leader with a wealth of experience. But ...
While this is an interesting side-effect of the open-world scheme, I would urge you NOT to add more walking into your game to pad play times. I think if you're aiming for 70 hours as an indie developer, you're going to miss the mark on quality. If, as an indie developer, ...
They are in it because they want to sell as many designs as possible. I personally am an "Indie" Game Designer because I want to bring my designs into a state such that I can self-publish my games. I'm not a Pro because I fail to understand how to SELL "concepts" and/or ideas ...
Don't know if it counts as "hidden gem", but I'll say Mirror's Edge anyway. I simply loved, and still do, its art direction and colors. Yeah Mirror's Edge ranks high with me too, gameplay wise there was so little, but the execution of it...
That counts as one. Okay, Tom Schulman 1:02:24 That counts as one probably Ekaru. You ever seen that? Oh, acre? Of course. Of course. Yeah, yeah. I guess Casa Blanca, I would have to say it's beautiful. The message of that movie is just one of the most you know it's it'...
Oh, and there's one more but it only sort of counts because my expectations were already low before buying it. The PlayStation Classic. I don't think I really have to explain this one. I never even hooked it up. Again, it's just kind of a neat little collectable, namely the box....