What is a preface? What is the summary of Wishtree? What qualifies Notes of a Native Son as nonfiction? What is an example of an epistle? What is Tacitus' Annals about? What is a summary of The Notebook? What does historical nonfiction mean?
The Sylph in this story by Crébillon fils (“fils” to distinguish him from his father) is a tad more libertine than that of the Lock (assuming the Lock qualifies, which it doesnʼt). Short, as all short stories are, it takes place entirely in the bedroom of the young, charming,...
None of these really qualifies for “root cause” status. Unfortunately, there are so many possible plantar fasciitis causes — probably several overlapping factors, a “perfect storm” — that it is unwise to make a confident biomechanical diagnosis. It’s just too complicated an equation, and ...
What qualifies Notes of a Native Son as nonfiction? What is the plot in Recitatif? What is a synopsis? What is the plot of The Notebook? What are the themes in Heart of Darkness? What is the book The Notebook about? What is medievalism in literature?
It really qualifies for either. The stories are, IMHO, geared towards the younger reader but not that young so ... you make the call for yourself. I really enjoyed the first half of the first book, had trouble with the second half, and then really enjoyed all of the second book ...
ANNE:I also really loved this book and completely, I'm nodding along as you say, this is a hard read in many ways. In the span of, you know, just a few hours of your reading time, everything this fictional character has endured, it softens me towards them and think oh my goodness...