How strict are uni word counts? Setting a word count limit clearly state a maximum word count beyond which nothing will be marked. This maximum will include any margin for tolerance which has been set (i.e. a word count with +10% tolerances), if your module guide does not state that ...
If you’re not ready to shell out $25 just yet, they apparently have a pretty coolfree-trialprogram. It gives you full functionality for 30 days, and it only counts the days you actually use it. If you check it out, let me know how it works out for you. ...
ChatGPT isnotgood at wordcounts. This seems like a really easy thing it should be able to do … but apparently it’s harder than it looks for an AI to count words! It did give me Chapter 1, but it was only 1,296 words long.You can read it here.That’s exactly as ChatGPT gave...
You were literally the Hugo administrator in 2016, a year when Puppies took over the ballot, and you opted not to disqualify such nominees as "If You Were an Award, My Love" in short story, “Safe Space as Rape Room” by Daniel Eness and "SJWs Always Lie" in Related Work, and Vox...
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; ...
The Word Count of a Book that isNon-fiction. As for non-fiction books, the standard bestsellers have word counts similar to adult novels. However, there is a wide range of acceptable word counts for non-fiction books. Some stocking stuffer books are very short. Pencil-thin books on narrow...
As I mentioned inmy last goals update, I let this goal go in mid-September. But … I’ve plugged all my wordcounts into my spreadsheet andI wrote a grand total of 84,413 words of new fiction during 2024 as a result of this goal, despite stopping early. ...
Added character and page counts to the Word Count dialog, and the user can enter a value for characters per page. Fixed freezing for a long time when opening or compiling a file in a folder containing many subfolders and files, by no longer traversing all folders recursively. Fixed bug ...
I did a little work on my new story. It wasn’t as much as I’d wanted, but it counts! Next week I’m going to keep chipping away at it. I got a great idea for another new story during my class this week and I’m going to keep it on the back burner. It might be a nice...
Well said, Kristen. Slow and steady wins the race in this game of writing. You need to be smart enough to know that you don’t know everything and listen to those who know more. True success isn’t just being on the best seller list. As one of the five percent, who took a reali...