If you're playingPokemon Goand have a PokeStop nearby, but don't see as many Pokemon spawns as you'd like, consider using a Lure Module. When placed on a PokeStop, they'll attract Pokemon for a full 30 minutes, and sometimes even longer during special events. Using this, you can get...
Based on the island of Kyushu, the region features a great deal of water to balance the landmass, in keeping with the lore of primal Groudon and Kyogre being the titans of land and sea. Most of the towns in Hoenn are immersed in nature, some only being accessible by travel through and...
Kyogre and/or Gyrados Rayquaza and/or Dragonite (or Salamence) Mewtwo Groudon Raikou and/or Zapdos Moltres and/or Entei Exeggutor Golem Since Machop, Exeggute, and Geodude nest, you're better off grinding them for candy and saving the rare candy for Larvitars or Legendary Pokemon. ...