Kyogre The best water-type currently available in Pokémon GO, Kyogre is regularly available in raids and boats a great defence stat as well as strong attack. Use Hydro Pump or Surf to get past bulky rock- and ground-type defenders or raid bosses. Ice Beam is another option if you’re t...
Kyogre to counter Rhydon Sure, Rhydon is double weak against grass types, so if you have a really good Exeggutor or Venusaur already, use it. But Rhydon is also double weak against water, and if Kyogre is on your defender list, double duty as an attacker is twice as efficient. You ...
Primal Kyogre is one of thestrongest Pokémonyou can get inPokémon Go. It’s a powerful legendary Pokémon on the scale of other Mega Pokémon. Because of its sheer strength, don’t expect to see Primal Kyogre in the Battle League, where you can use it against other players. Instead, it...
Type Best Pokemon Strength Weaknesses Normal Snorlax, Blissey, Chansey Not particularly strong against any one type Not particularly weak against any type Fire Moltres, Entei, Charizard Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel Water, Rock, and Ground Water Kyogre, Gyarados, Vaporeon Fire, Ground, and Rock El...
Want to know which is the best moveset for your Mewtwo, Celebi, Tyranitar, Slaking, Moltres, Zapdos, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza and other Pokémon? We explain everything you need to know, and how to change a moveset.
Kyogre Type:water Strength:attack Weaknesses:electric Pokémonandgrass Pokémon Best moves:waterfall and surf A great counterattacker for any Pokémon weak to water-types, this means Kyogre is excellent against fire, rock, and ground-type Pokémon. Imagine it’s also rainy… then what? Domination....
Kyogre 270 Waterfall / Hydro Pump Machamp 234 Counter / Dynamic Punch Karate Chop / Dynamic Punch Mewtwo 300 Psycho Cut / Shadow Ball Rayquaza 284 Dragon Tail / Outrage Tyranitar 251 Smack Down / Stone Edge Bite / Crunch Groudon 270 Mud Shot / Solar Beam Raikou 241 Thunder Shock ...
The downside to this moveset is Kyogre has an entirely Water-type attack inPokémon Go. This means it can only be useful against specific matchups. A good way to switch this up could be toswap Surf with Thunder to give it an Electric-type move. It won’t be an optimal moveset for Sha...
In the past, players have faced Shadow Kyogre and Shadow Mewtwo, making this battle dynamic and requiring careful planning to beat Giovanni Pokemon go. Part 3: Which are the best GiovanniPokemon Go counters To defeat Giovanni in Pokémon Go, choosing the right counters is essential due to his...
Kyogre is the best Water-type attacker you can get thanks to powerful moves like Waterfall and Hydro Pump, which makes it the best Pokemon to takedown any Fire- or Ground-type foes. Groudon, on the other hand, can use Dragon-, Ground-, Grass-, and Fire-type moves, making it extremely...