Morethan60percentofpeopleexperienceeye problemsassociated with digitaleyestrain.And bluelight,itseems,isn?tthecause.Instead,our eyesaresostrainedbecausemostofusblinkless whenwestareatourdigitaldevices.Soifeyestrainistheissue,blue-light-blockingglassesare probablyoflittleuse. 8.Whatdoweknowaboutbluelight? A.I...
A Half Truth? Only 50 Percent Of All Clinical Trials Are Published And What That Means For How We Make Health DecisionsDr David Tovey
Due to the poor absorption of thiamine in the elderly population, supplementation with benfotiamine could be an alternative option, especially considering it is more easily absorbed compared to its water-soluble counterpart. Even though the human brain represents only 2 percent of your body weight, ...
Amazon Web Services' Spot Instances market has taken off in the past year because it rents processors for as little as 10 percent of the standard cloud services fees. Ari Levy of Bloomberg BusinessWeek interviewed Princeton Consultants CEO Steve Sashihara and other users of Spot Instances for deta...
But the AI got it right, 97 percent. So that training, the features are not even fully defined of how that was possible. Well that gets then to all of medical images. This is just representative, the chest X-ray. And in fact with the...
However, the effect would not be due to a pharmacological action attributed to the chemical composition of the medicine.In one survey, only 3% of U.S. physicians reported using actual sugar pills as placebos, but 41% said they had used over-the-counter painkillers and 38 percent said they...
Ninety percent of diabetes cases are managed by primary care providers [5]. Guidelines are integral to updating best practices and are especially edifying for general practitioners who maintain a broad knowledge base across numerous medical conditions. Primary care providers are encouraged to apply the...
Ninety percent of diabetes cases are managed by primary care providers [5]. Guidelines are integral to updating best practices and are especially edifying for general practitioners who maintain a broad knowledge base across numerous medical conditions. Primary care providers are encouraged to apply the...
A clinical trial team recently published long-term follow-up results which indicated thatPPOIT led to remission in approximately 50 percent of treated children four years after they completed the treatment. In this case, remission means that there is no allergic reaction when consuming peanut, even...
Drugs normally undergo three phases of clinical trials. In the first phase, a drug’s delivery method, dosage, and safety is tested on a small group of people. The second phase uses a larger test group. Most treatments fail in one of these phases. There are several types of clinical tria...