Science Chemistry State of matter What state of matter is custard?Question:What state of matter is custard?Custard:Custard is a sweet, jelly-like dessert made from sugar, eggs, and cream. It is wiggly and soft but holds the shape of the mold used to make it. This can make it ...
Is wiggly a word? adjective, wig·gli·er, wig·gli·est. wiggling: a wiggly child. undulating; wavy: a wiggly line. How do you spell squiggly lines? a short, irregular curve or twist, as in writing or drawing. verb (used without object), squig·gled, squig·gling. What is the op...
(14) Wacky Relay:In this game, two people work together to carry an object (a beach ball, stuffed animal, etc.) down a path and back using designated body parts, such as elbow-to-elbow, belly-to-belly, or cheek-to-cheek. The first two-some back to the start line wins – or tea...
Drawing the same shape or object over and over again – but not on the same spot – reveals patience and perseverance. Doodling on the same spot is an indication of anxiety, and is often drawn when people are under pressure – it can also be a sign of guilt. Shaded or filled doodles ...
Suddenly things aren’t looking so good. The jeep is soft and the edges seem a bit wiggly. The heat in the air is distorting the light, resulting in a less than perfectly sharp shot. You can click on the image for a full-size version. ...
Advertisement In the early 40s toys were getting more advanced, but they all had sort of a war slant to them. Guns and military type toys were in every little boy’s hands. Girls were playing house, pretending to be mommy, feeding and clothing their little baby dolls — of which they ...