A week ago, Gramma had a stroke, which was one of her greatest fears. The next day, Glenda said it was a good time to visit her, so I did. What I found was so sad: Gramma had lost control of most of her limbs, with the exception of her right arm, and her expression was cons...
such as “walk” or “paws”, puns, or alliteration in your name, and incorporate words related to dogs into the tagline. Additionally, make sure that the name is easy to pronounce and spell so customers can find you
Regarding the “Wiggly W” I view that as possible, and more likely than either a V or an L. I put this forward in respoinse to this post by Frankel posing the possibility of a W, but noting that a strict W implies a V at the front end, which I view as extremely unlikely. So ...
Cover your bulletin board in yellow paper, and use green punch out letters to spell "Watch Us Bloom And Grow" across the top of the board. Measure the height of the youngsters in your preschool class, and then cut a 4-inch wide rectangular "stem" from green construction paper to match ...
Repeat these steps to redline your entire Word document. You can then delete the redlined text once the changes are implemented. Community Q&A Question What does a wiggly green underline mean? Community Answer The green line is usually a grammatical error, or at least what Word considers ...