Weight: To get the most accurate reading, your provider will weigh your baby undressed using a baby scale. Length: Measuring a wiggly baby can be tricky, but your provider is experienced with this! Your baby will lie on a flat table, and the provider will gently stretch out their legs t...
A week ago, Gramma had a stroke, which was one of her greatest fears. The next day, Glenda said it was a good time to visit her, so I did. What I found was so sad: Gramma had lost control of most of her limbs, with the exception of her right arm, and her expression was cons...
Regarding the “Wiggly W” I view that as possible, and more likely than either a V or an L. I put this forward in respoinse to this post by Frankel posing the possibility of a W, but noting that a strict W implies a V at the front end, which I view as extremely unlikely. So ...
Repeat these steps to redline your entire Word document. You can then delete the redlined text once the changes are implemented. Community Q&A Question What does a wiggly green underline mean? Community Answer The green line is usually a grammatical error, or at least what Word considers ...