You might not expect to find that muscles in your lower leg are used during a sit-up, but that’s exactly what your tibialis anterior does. This muscle, which runs from the top of your shinbone down to your first metatarsal, or big toe, helps you flex your ankle. As you go through...
Whichever way you pull up, both pull-ups and chin-ups are complex or multiple exercises. That is, there is movement in at least two joints, so multiple muscle groups must work together to complete the movement. In this case, those are the shoulder joint and the elbow joint. In particular...
Push-ups are a staple upper bodyexercisetargeting multiple joints and muscle groups, mainly the pectoral (chest) muscles, shoulders, triceps, core muscles, glutes (muscles in the buttocks), and legs. This exerciseis done in the prone position by alternately lowering and raising the body to and...
That’s why going for compound exercises is always the best idea. Compound exercises work not just one muscle but multiple muscles. They might primarily target one group, but they’ll recruit the help of many more groups to help you perform the movement and stabilise you. When you keep comp...
Ask people who train their bodies what particular muscle groups do and they often are not quite sure themselves. The reason for this lies in the complexity of the body where the same muscle groups work together to perform several different moves or different muscle groups can be used to perfor...
Although similar to some degree, chin-ups and pull-ups work different muscles or at least work similar muscles differently. Choosing one over another very much comes down to what muscle groups you would like to focus on more in your workout routine. Equipment-wise you will need – yes you...
This begs the question, what are the fundamental differences and which one is better; pull-ups or chin-ups? Chin up (palms facing away from you) or pull up (palms facing towards you) -- both require you engage multiple muscle groups to perform each full range of motion, and both have...
Which of the following muscles is the most active when doing push-ups? A. Pectoralis minor B. Latissimus dorsi C. Trapezius D. Biceps brachii E. Pectoralis major What muscle pronates the forearm? What are the two muscles that are forearm flexors and have no role in supination? What are...
So if you’re looking to target the biceps more – go with the chin-up, and if you’re looking to hit the lats more – go with a pull-up. Each variation will emphasize certain muscle groups more/less depending on the one you choose. ...
This training modality enhances strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility. It may include bodyweight movements and the utilization of equipment likeresistance bandsor free weights. Key exercises likesquatsand push-ups integrate multiple muscle groups for overall functional strength and betternatural ...