Statement of a general exclamation:“I Swear to God” may be used as a sudden statement equaling to WTF which means “What the Freak” for the purpose of conveying emotion in discussions if anything goes beyond what a person understands to be good or appropriate. Examples of How ISTG Is U...
However, many such flows can be perturbed to be extendible in such a manner (though different perturbations will require different extensions, in particular the dimension of the extension will not be fixed). Among other things, this means that conservation laws such as energy (or momentum, ...
Insulin resistance means your pancreas makes insulin, but your body cannot use it. As the placenta grows, more of these hormones are produced. The hormones block insulin and cause your blood sugar level to rise.What increases my risk for GDM?
Abstinence means you do not have sex. It is okay to say "no" to someone. You should always respect your date when he or she says "no." Do not let others pressure you into having sex. This includes oral sex. Protect yourself against pregnancy and STIs. Use condoms or barriers every ...
Can you find the word “ailment" in the text? The word “ailment"means ___. a. a person who is very sick all of the time and uses a lot of medicine b. a thing that can help people c. types of candy that taste good but are also powerful medicines d. a physical disorder or ...
The King James translators (and Tyndale before them) supplied “daily,” based mostly on an early Latin translation of the passage. But there isn’t really any reason to assume that’s what it means. A much more popular theory in the early church (including Jerome and Augustine) was that...
aWe can communicate with people from many parts of the world by means of e-mails. 我们可以与人沟通从世界的许多地区通过电子邮件。[translate] aNo tratamento de criancas e jovens com idade inferioe a 15 anos,recomenda-se 10-20 mg de peso corporal por dia,atel um maximo de 400mg 在孩子...
By using a “nilsequence large sieve” introduced in our previous paper, and removing degenerate cases, we can show a functional relationship amongst the that is very roughly of the form whenever (and I am being extremely vague as to what the relation “” means here). By a higher order...
If query returns no results it means that CommonSecurityLog is not empty for last X amount of time. Look how many log entries I have for last 30 minutes: So lets check if we have 0 logs for last 30 minutes: Events==0 is false so it won't be triggered If it'd be true it would...
The mechanism of memory remains one of the great unsolved problems of biology. Grappling with the question more than a hundred years ago, the German zoologist Richard Semon formulated the concept of the engram, lasting connections in the brain that resul