Emojis do not constitute a language, however. For a start, says Evans, they have no grammar so we cannot combine them into more complex units of meaning. But they are perfect for providing nuance to text-based messages. We convey meaning not just with words but with gestures and facial ex...
Name from the Greek root meaning heavy: the original heavy metal, an alkaline earth, even in the tightest definition of that term. Learn more at its entry in WebElements and its entry at Chemicool. ba B Assembler. A program that produced assembly-language code from preprocessed B ...
Source: https://slang.net/meaning/go_brrr#:~:text=Go%20brrr%20is%20a%20phrase,a%20%22brrrt%22%20sound.) 3. crank out v. to produce especially in a mechanical manner Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crank...