NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
Viscose, which is also commonly known as rayon when it is made into a fabric, is a type of semi-synthetic fabric. The name of this substance comes from the process that's used to make it; at one stage, rayon is a viscous, honey-like liquid that later settles into a solid form. ...
Of a surface, having low friction, often due to being covered in a non-viscous liquid, and therefore hard to grip, hard to stand on without falling, etc. Oily substances render things slippery. Cunning Sly; crafty; clever in surreptitious behaviour. Slippery Evasive; difficult to pin down. ...
Elkem's silicones aims to provide easy accessibility to our products through our network of distribution and channel partners for the convenience of our customers. More about this topic Contact us Take your business to the next level by partnering with a world-leading material manufacturer. ...
What is the effect of temperature on the viscosity of a liquid? View Solution What is the effect of temperature on the surface tension of a liquid ? View Solution View Solution View Solution View Solution View Solution View Solution View Solution ...
Inside this machine is a device called a spinneret, which has dozens of tiny holes. As the fiber production cell spins, the prepolymer solution is forced through these holes, and it takes on the form of strands of fabric. These strands, however, are still in a liquid state when they emer...
Explain how the body establishes a pressure gradient for fluid flow. Under what conditions would a metal sphere dropping through a viscous liquid be in equilibrium? Which Galilean moon has volcanic activity, and what is believed to be the cause? what is the power if it takes 11s to drag the...
Lotion is a topical preparation for skin application; a solution is a liquid mixture where a solute is dissolved in a solvent.
Under what conditions would a metal sphere dropping through a viscous liquid be in equilibrium? What is the strength of intermolecular forces in methylated spirit, acetone, water, glycerin, and oil? What are the two properties of water that makes it strange compared to other substances? What is...
If a substance is viscous, is it denser than a less viscous liquid? Viscosity describes the resistance of a liquid in flowing, informally described as the "thickness" of a fluid, and in principle, it has no direct relationship with density. However, the viscosity may influence the ...