(redirected fromTar (viscous liquid)) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Tar (viscous liquid):tar pitch tar1 (tär) n. 1.A dark, oily, viscous material, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons, produced by the destructive distillation of organic substances such as wood, coal, or peat. ...
The meaning of VISCOUS is having a thick or sticky consistency : viscid. How to use viscous in a sentence.
The meaning of VISCOUS is having a thick or sticky consistency : viscid. How to use viscous in a sentence.
Viscous definition: of a glutinous nature or consistency; sticky; thick; adhesive.. See examples of VISCOUS used in a sentence.
thick a liquid is or its resistance to flow or to objects passing through it. If you compared syrup to water, for example, you would notice that water pours faster and more quickly than the thick syrup. That is because the syrup has a higher viscosity. It is said to be more viscous....
liquid honey See all related content honey,sweet,viscousliquidfood, dark golden in colour, produced in the honey sacs of variousbeesfrom thenectarofflowers. Flavour and colour are determined by the flowers from which the nectar is gathered. Some of the most commercially desirable honeys are produc...
viscosity,viscousness- resistance of a liquid to shear forces (and hence to flow) Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster...
2. Mercury is the only liquid metal.3. The thickness of a liquid is known as its viscosity. Liquids such as honey, melted chocolate, and mayonnaise are more viscous than oil, water, and milk.RELATED POSTS Measuring Cups – Definition with Examples y = mx + b :– Definition, Slope ...
a small quantity of liquid or viscous substance squirted: Put a squirt of chocolate sauce on my ice cream. Informal. a youngster, especially a meddlesome or impudent one. a short person. an insignificant, self-assertive person, especially one who is small or young. ...
The meaning of VISCOSITY is the quality or state of being viscous : a sticky or glutinous consistency. How to use viscosity in a sentence.