Fluid on brain November 13, 2024 | by LaurenS93 Hi, I had a growth scan last week at 36 weeks and they detected some fluid on his brain normal is 10mm or below but it was measuring 12.8mm the midwife and doctor didn’t seem to concerned but going back today for a more in depths...
Grips (again JR size), Grip Tape, mineral spirits OR lighter fluid, Pipe cutter, vise, club grip for vise (if you don't have one or can't find one a rubber glove will suffice). Have fun! Expand This is very helpful! and I have all the necessary items except for the Junior ...
Politics is a fluid business and the longer the Brexit process continues the greater the opportunities for remainers to sabotage it. Labour might win the next election with a promise to hold a second referendum to keep the UK in the EU or even stand on a platform which promises the ...
While “daily” exercise is going a bit overboard, I think the important of having aroutineis the most important thing. Even if you do something once or twice a week, that’s excellent. Weight lifting is a perfect example of this. You need time to rest and repair, so doing it daily ...
Maryland and Northern Virginia—basically the D.C. metro area—is one of the richest in the country in terms of local talent. The only real silver lining from this season is that it forced United to play more of the local kids and, perhaps, get the academy cranking out first-team perfor...