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违反公安人员执行任务时严禁饮酒的规定,私自将该所招待修建工人的白酒倒出半碗(约半斤)自饮,醉倒在值班室的床上,造成关押在该所15号监号内的叶某、余某等9名犯罪嫌疑人砸烂窗户后潜逃的严重后果。事件发生后,武装民警和该所干警搜捕时,被告人仍在熟睡,直到县公安局领导闻讯赶到该所时才被唤醒。 下...
1.2. Local Governments and Critical Infrastructure The local scale is particularly important for risk reduction because most human experiences and decisions related to DRR happen at the local level [4,14–25]. At this scale, human security and quality of life depend partly on how local ...