考虑到所有这一切,在我们得出激情问题的好答案之前,谈一谈“Passion”这个词也很重要。我认为“激情”是一个被过度使用并且经常被误解的词,这也是为什么人们会问出这样的问题,以及为什么他们相信有的人可能真的没有任何激情。 为了了解什么是激情,也许从了解什么不是激情开始会更容易。对我来说,激情不一定是你的工...
我最后的尝试是找Yoee聊,她是我Unlock时候的老师,也是当时国际部里我最熟悉的人。当时具体谈了什么我忘记了,但印象深刻的是Yoee问了我一个新生入学会上学长问过的问题:“What’s your passion?” 对啊,我的passion是什么?是没日没夜的死读书跟大佬们拼成绩吗?还是自暴自弃的把所有课余时间都砸在游戏上?或是...
学生故事二十五 | 刘宇星:What's your passion? 刘宇星(Eason Liu) 华附AP 2019届毕业生,初中毕业于广州外国语学校,在18/19海外大学申请中获美国加州大学欧文分校、东北大学、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校、乔治华盛顿大学等录取。 写在前面 写给那些跟我当初一样迷茫的学弟学妹们,希望能给他们提供对于HFI的生活...
What is your passion作文英语作文:What is your passion What is our passion? Passion is the spring water of youth, is a pentium river. Calm, the spring ding-dong, continuous telling the story of youth; surging, surging, indomitable, expressing the enthusiasm of youth. Youth is a bright ...
Taft, Lois
What about you? What is your passion? How would it feel to be able to pursue what you love? How would living life on your own terms look like? If that’s what you want, you got to take responsibility. And if you have read till the end of this post, I know you are already doin...
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teach our students. I personally love Literacy and do a lot of research, writing, and presenting hands-on learning approaches when teaching children to read. Each teacher is different in what their passion is, but whatever that passion is, take it and be the best you can be for your ...