最近的抑郁已经让自己忘记了有passion这回事,甚至连interest都变的很寡淡。但一切都会回来的,我会恢复,会变的更好。so,what is your passion,是一个不能回避的问题。一切都为之,但如果是在自己死的时候才知道问题的答案,那一定死不瞑目。 · again,what is your passion?不一定要现在回答。但要知道,因为没有...
考虑到所有这一切,在我们得出激情问题的好答案之前,谈一谈“Passion”这个词也很重要。我认为“激情”是一个被过度使用并且经常被误解的词,这也是为什么人们会问出这样的问题,以及为什么他们相信有的人可能真的没有任何激情。 为了了解什么是激情,也许从了解什么不是激情开始会更容易。对我来说,激情不一定是你的工...
我最后的尝试是找Yoee聊,她是我Unlock时候的老师,也是当时国际部里我最熟悉的人。当时具体谈了什么我忘记了,但印象深刻的是Yoee问了我一个新生入学会上学长问过的问题:“What’s your passion?” 对啊,我的passion是什么?是没日没夜的死读书跟大佬们拼成绩吗?还是自暴自弃的把所有课余时间都砸在游戏上?或是...
我最后的尝试是找Yoee聊,她是我Unlock时候的老师,也是当时国际部里我最熟悉的人。当时具体谈了什么我忘记了,但印象深刻的是Yoee问了我一个新生入学会上学长问过的问题:“What’s your passion?” 对啊,我的passion是什么?是没日没夜的死读书跟大佬们拼成绩吗?还是自暴自弃的把所有课余时间都砸在游戏上?或是...
1 为什么面试官要询问你的Passion?首先,我认为需要拿出一分钟时间思考一下为什么面试官会经常对求职者提出这个问题。以我的认知,可能有三个原因:1.面试官想更好地了解你。他们不仅仅满足于认识简历中的你,而更想了解如果之后你们一起工作了,你真正关心的东西是什么。这是另一种询问“Doyoufitthecompanyculture...
英语作文:What is your passion What is our passion? Passion is the spring water of youth, is a pentium river. Calm, the spring ding-dong, continuous telling the story of youth; surging, surging, indomitable, expressing the enthusiasm of youth. Youth is a bright night sky, as beautiful as...
Diana Long
His lack of passion and intensity brings everything down..yah yah your mood too.While having sex with him you will feel like something is missing. And at your surprise he will turn around and go to sleep after having sex--you will feel like a whore(paid and used).How a man can be...
What's Your Passion?: Proven Tips For Witnessing To Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few," Jesus said to the seventy that He sent out two by two. If the need for harvesters in the Kingdom wa......
My passion is not just in helping in their finances, but in their lives too. In today’s world, almost everything is integrated. You can’t be free to build a life if you are always behind on your payments. You can’t have thepeace of mindto pursue your dearest goals and aspirations...