Conditional probability should be taken as the primitive notion, and unconditional probability should be analyzed in terms of it."I'd probably be famous now If I wasn't such a good waitress." Jane Siberry, "Waitress"doi:10.1023/B:SYNT.0000004904.91112.16Alan Hájek...
the existing probability to get the new one and discard the prior one, it reveals that its basics are underpinned by the concept of conditional probability determined by the Bayes' theorem. The revised probability depends on a second or new event's conditional and unconditional probability. ...
aa check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer(the drawer) to a bank(the drawee) signed by that customer anthorizing the bank to pay on demand a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer(the payee). 支票是无条件的命令在顾客演讲...
3. I think my response (1) at least in part replies to Carlos’ question, “what is the definition of “the probability of event A given that event B occurs” then?” To elaborate: I don’t claim that there any isolated definition of “the probability of event A given B”, just as...
In this paper we revisit an open problem posed by Aldous on the max-entropy win-probability martingale: given two players of equal strength, such that the win-probability is a martingale diffusion, which of these processes has maximum entropy and hence gives the most excitement for the spectator...
Firstly, because conditional entropic Ruzsa distance (see blueprint for definitions) is an average of unconditional entropic Ruzsa distance, we can automatically upgrade (1) to the conditional version for any random variables that are possibly coupled with respectively. In particular, if we define ...
DEFINITION TheAFisformallywrittenas whereP(D)isthe(unconditional)probabilityofdiseaseoveraspecifiedtimeperiod,andP(D| Ē)istheprobabilityofdiseaseoverthesametimeperiodconditionalonnonexposedstatus(not exposedtotheriskfactorunderstudy).TheAFisthedifferencebetweenoverallaverageriskof theentirepopulation(bothexposed...
it measures the likelihood that a chosen instance belongs to a certain class. The other unconditional metric, negative predicted value (NPV), is the probability that a chosen instance will not belong to that class. Essentially, both unconditional metrics attempt to answer whether a randomly chosen...
The best unconditional result known of the type (3) is the Siegel-Walfisz theorem, which allows to be as large as . Even the powerful generalised Riemann hypothesis (GRH) only lets one prove an estimate of the form (3) for up to about . However, because of the averaging effect of ...
Why is food an unconditional stimulus? What neurotransmitter is important to positive reinforcement? How would one know when the transition has occurred from a neutral stimulus to a conditioned stimulus? What is delayed reinforcement? How does stimulus generalization contribute to our survival?