Transferrin saturation is reported as a percentage of transferrin that is saturated with iron. Serum iron levels and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) are two tests done on the blood, and their results are used to calculate this value. A serum iron level in the range of 60-170 micrograms/...
doi:10.1016/S0022-3476(77)80927-XMartti A. Siimes and Ulla M. SaarinenThe Journal of PediatricsSiimes MA, and Saarinen UM: What critical value of transferrin saturation identifies iron deficiency in non- anemia breast-fed infants? J PEDIATR9|:1027, 1977....
Storage iron is found mostly in the monocyte-macrophage system in theliver, spleen, and bone marrow as transferrin and hemosiderin. The RBCs form the labile iron pool. Iron deficiency occurs in several stages. These are defined by the extent of depletion; the first stage is depletion of iron ...
Hemoglobin is a protein in the red blood cells that allows for the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Hemoglobin is made of four subunits that each have a heme iron group. The oxygen carried by hemoglobin binds to these heme groups. Hemoglobin can come in may different forms that may...
The very low iron concentration in the lens may effectively counteract the risk of having a low Tf level; (3) The pattern of distribution of TIBC is the same for the cow and the pig; (4) Saturation of Tf was very high in the rat aqueous, also high in the rat lens and serum; (5...