BIBLE. GospelsTHEOLOGYThis article addresses the interdependence of the terms "word of God" and "Sacred Scripture," as used in the doctrine of biblical inspiration, in the context of the Pontifical Biblical Commission's 2014 document The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture: The Wor...
圣经启示的真神是掌握人类历史进程、个人命运的神。圣经中的上帝是历史性的神。非历史性的神与宗教不是真神宗教,其理甚明,因为唯有主宰历史,进入历史的神才是宇宙真神。非历史性宗教的神都是人造神。基督教是唯一历史性的宗教,其他的宗教都是非历史性的 圣经中创世纪十章里每一人名都是国名,地名,...
Whatever your story, you need to know the perfect peace that comes only by resting in the Lord God. In this booklet, Dr. Boice examines what the Bible says about the mental anguish that we face, and draw from God's Word pastoral comfort for the suffering....
In other words, when you get right with God and are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will simply shine through you. God is the light that shines within and through His church as the light of the world. The same word the Bible uses for light in Matthew 5 to describe Christ’s Chu...
This is what the LORD says— he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be...
What is the seal of God in the forehead in the prophecy of Revelation? Bible truth revealed about God's seal and the mark of the beast.
The pieces of God's armor as described inEphesians 6ESV: The Armor of God Belt of Truth Breastplate of Righteousness Shoes of the Gospel of Peace Shield of Faith Helmet of Salvation Sword of the Spirit: Word of God Thearmor of Godis an illustration in the Bible that reminds C...
of the Bible they do not appear at all. Instead, the contention here is that the phrase ‘kingdom of God’ thematically captures, from a biblical theology standpoint, the message of Scripture. Now I would immediately add that God brings in the kingdom for the glory and praise of his ...
35 If they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbandsa at home, since it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. 36 Or did the word of God originate from you, or did it come to you only? 37 If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, he should ...
“The Bible is the Word of God.… What does it Tell us About War?”Charlotte MethuenMazzarol, T. (2014). Small business diagnostic: what does it tell us about SMEs? Retrieved from