Phil Visher
“The Bible is the Word of God.… What does it Tell us About War?”Charlotte MethuenMazzarol, T. (2014). Small business diagnostic: what does it tell us about SMEs? Retrieved from
Aramaic is a descendant of Hebrew that was widely spoken in the Middle East in the centuries leading up to the birth of Jesus. In fact, Aramaic was Jesus’s native language — the one he used to deliver his teachings to his disciples. It is still spoken by a few scattered communities i...
~ Excerpt from Easton's Bible DictionaryWhat is Sanctification? Sanctification is one of those religious-sounding words that people in the church use but may not understand what it means. In its most basic sense, to sanctify something is to set it apart for God's special use and purpose. ...
There are many times in life when we feel we have been shortchanged, and let down. But you know there is one time when we are never let down or been “had”, and that is when we take God at His Word. He will ALWAYS keep His Word….what He says He will do, He WILL do! And...
Psalm 16:11says, “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.” It’s in God’s presence that we find the fullness of joy. And, asNehemiah 8:10tells us, “The joy of the Lord is [our] strength.” It’s in God’s...
What is the seal of God in the forehead in the prophecy of Revelation? Bible truth revealed about God's seal and the mark of the beast.
Doomsday, is the real doomsday for stubborn people who refuse to change and have rigid thinking! But it is the beginning for Wenmang's continuous transcendence and self-renewal! This beginning,In fact, taking the end of mankind as the boundary. Before the end of mankind,Is known.After the...
Observing the Sabbath is rooted in the balance between rest and worship, in line with Jesus’s teaching that highlights the Sabbath’s purpose of serving human well-being and spiritual freedom. When God “rested on the seventh day from all his work which He had done (Genesis 2:2), He wa...
God Made Me On a rainy afternoon, Clive is working on a puzzle while Ian is running around pretending to be a superhero (Ian the Incredible, if you must know). But when Clive quizzes him on his superpowers—can he fly? can he lift a pony?—Ian must consider what it is that makes...