Understand the specific logo sizes for websites, print and each social media platform, so your logo can live it’s best life.
Logo size essentials Overall, the key togood logo designis scalability, balance and versatility. Before we jump into the size specifics, here are a few basic concepts to consider whendesigning a logo: Have logo variations Since various platforms have different requirements, preparing several versions...
These small but mighty symbols are a part of our daily lives—and an essential part of your branding efforts. Learn in depth what is a logo and why it matters.
The English word “logo” is an abbreviation oflogotype, which comes from the Greek words “logos” and “typos,” which mean “word” and “imprint,” respectively.In Greek, “logos” also means “speech, discourse, or reason.” According toEtymonline.com, the termlogoappeared in the Engl...
When you see the Firefox logo on your desktop, you know to click it to access the internet. You also see the standalone fox icon used as the favicon on the website and on social media. However, the full logo is the same fox icon with the wordmark Firefox next to it. This logo ...
While functional, icons can still play an important role in developing a brand identity. For example, Facebook’s “like button” is an icon because users are able to interact with it. Source:Wikipedia Although it is not the company logo, and is not used to identify the company, the “...
Honeywell has been at the center of industrial innovation for over a hundred years. Now, we’re bringing a digital-first, outcome-based approach to the next generation of megatrends. AUTOMATION We’re ushering in the next generation in automation tech. ...
What is Custom Luxury Logo UV Resistant Stickers Adhesive Waterproof Vinyl UV Transfer Labe, UV Transfer label 1 manufacturers & suppliers on Video Channel of Made-in-China.com.
What is Customized Logo Scents Refresh Paper Luxury Car Air Freshener Custom Logo, paper air freshener 5 manufacturers & suppliers on Video Channel of Made-in-China.com.
Logo file size. A logo is also just a regular computer file with a file size that's measured inbytes. For example, a logo file size can be 256KB (kilo-bytes), or 2MB (mega-bytes). Generally, the more pixels a logo has, the bigger the file size (but this isn't always true!)...