This has created sufficient margin to equip the cars with the R-Design package and still beat the 120g/km emission limit in all models," explains Magnus Jonsson, Senior Vice President, Product Development at Volvo Cars. R-Design for C30, S40 and V50 DRIVe The R-Design package allows ...
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动力方面,阿斯顿·马丁V12 Speedster 使用了5.2T双涡轮V12发动机,最高输出功率为700马力,最大扭矩为753牛·米。与之匹配的是ZF 8速自动变速器与一个限滑差速器。官方了解到V12 Speedster可以在3.5秒内加速到100公里/小时,其最高时速限制在300公里/小时。(编辑:纪琦 图片来源于Netcarshow)
This has created sufficient margin to equip the cars with the R-Design package and still beat the 120g/km emission limit in all models," explains Magnus Jonsson, Senior Vice President, Product Development at Volvo Cars. R-Design for C30, S40 and V50 DRIVe The R-Design package allows ...