"Mishnah" is thename given to the sixty-three tractates that HaNasi systematically codified, which in turn are divided into six "orders." Unlike the Torah, in which, for example, laws of the Sabbath are scattered throughout the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers, all the Mishnaic law...
Judaism: Every Friday night, Jewish households prepare to celebrate the Sabbath. The ritual is marked at the beginning by the lighting of two candles by the woman of the house and special prayers at the synagogue. The evening and following day are marked by feasts and prayers as well as a...
Gentiles who convert to Judaism are considered 2nd class citizens.Most Jews give this answer after I tell them that Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah: “I was born a Jew & I will die a Jew.” What they really mean is: “I will never become a Gentile.” ...
To help find the answer to this question it is necessary to first prove when the Sabbath was created and first kept. The word translated “rested” in our English Bibles inGenesis 2:3is actually “shabath” in the Hebrew and means Sabbath. Besides this evidence, God also said the Sabbath...
What is Judaism and what do Jews believe? Learn about the Jewish faith and its doctrines, history and beginning, major beliefs, texts, branches, and other facts. Explore our homework questions and answers library Search Browse Browse by subject ...
Originally Answered: How must I respond to Shabbat Shalom? The appropriate response is “ Shabbat Shalom”. It means “have a peaceful Sabbath”. The Sabbath in Judaism, which falls on Saturdays, is a day of genuine rest and prayer, involving no work or business transactions. ...
What Should You Do on the Sabbath?By Rick Warren “You have six days in which to do your work, but the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to me” (Exodus 20:9-10 GNT). We each must consciously decide to make time f...
What are the Jewish holidays?Judaism:Of the three biggest religions, Judaism is the oldest and goes with the first five books of the Bible, called the Torah. The basic similarity between Judaism and the other major faiths, is the belief in one just and merciful God. That all men and ...
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah— Alfred Edersheim It were an extremely narrow, and, indeed, false view, to regard the difference between Judaism and Christianity as confined to the question of the fulfillment of certain prophecies in Jesus of Nazareth. These predictions could only outlin...
What’s the Point of Prayer? “G-d, I don’t ask You for much.” Is that a compelling prayer? * The most important creation in all the universe. * How is life like a wedding feast? * What does prayer accomplish? Learning about Judaism ...