This article has focused on the benefit of rediscovering the gift of the Sabbath as 'a delight to the soul and a delight for the body' (Heschel). It has shown how we can explicitly learn from the Jewish tradition of holistic Sabbath observance. The article consists of four parts: the ...
and a rather novel thought for most Christians too. Gordon MacDonald states bluntly, “A rest-less work style produces a restless person … We do not rest because our work is done; we rest because God commanded it and created us to have a need for it.” ...
Circumcision also takes precedence of the Sabbath, though whatever preparations for this rite can be completed previously should not be left for the Sabbath (Shab. xviii. 3, xix. 1-3). But wheneverthere was danger to life, or where a Jewish woman was in the throes of childbirth, the ...
People got to work just to earn their bread While people just across the sea are counting their dead A politician’s job they say is very high For he has to choose who’s got to go and die They can put a man on the moon quite easy while people here on Earth are dying of all di...
(in Hebrew) is the best known and most commonly practiced. The Jewish Shabbat is a day of rest at the end of the week, beginning on sundown Friday night, and ending on Saturday night, when three stars appear in the sky. It is an eagerly awaited chance for the Jewish people to set ...
Originating with the Jews of the MidEast, across North Africa and into Spain, many Jewish people throughout the world now celebrate Rosh haShannah Seders. After the candle lighting and the regular blessings over wine and bread, the blessings over the simanim are said. All blessings begin, “Ma...
Sabbath, or Shabat, originates from the Jewish faith. As part of the Ten Commandments, God called for the Jewish people to observe the Sabbath, which is the Hebrew word for “stop.” People would keep this day holy by ceasing all work. That meant no chores, errands, or shopping for a...
It is also our divine privilege to blessGod’s Chosen Peoplein Israel and around the world. Orthodox Jewish children watch as Israelis gather at the Western (Wailing) Wall for prayer. Let us declare with priestly authority that the hearts of the Jewish People will be open to accept the invi...
Sabbath The Sabbath, or day of rest, is a rich religious concept and practice that has its origin in the Hebrew Bible and the Jewish people but is also extant throughout the history of the Christian Church. It is an idea that has sustained the Jewish people and, as practiced by ...
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish children play during Bein Hazmanim in Modi'in Israel approves 6,000 new Jewish settler homes, 700 for Palestinians Tel Aviv holds cultural events to celebrate shared experience of Chinese and Jewish people along ancient Silk Road...