The customer journey is your epic saga. This journey is a panoramic view of a customer’s experience, tracing their path from initial curiosity sparked by an ad or word-of-mouth, through the twists and turns of research and comparison, leading up to the climactic decision to purchase or eng...
Though this word most commonly appears as a noun in the phrase "in retrospect," it can also be used as a verb. The prefix retro-means “back," and spect is a component of the words inspect, spectator, spectacles, and perspective, among others, which all have to do with looking or se...
Epilepsyis a chronicdisorderthat means the same thing asseizure disorders. It’s known for its unpredictable and unprovoked seizures. It comes in a wide range of types and varies from person to person. The wordepilepsyitself doesn’t indicate anything about the cause or severity of someone’s ...
M: I'm going to attend an international convention in Harbin for two weeks.I have no clothes for that cold climate.Since you have been to the Northeast of China, what kind of clothes do you think I should take along? What is the man going to China for? A. On business. B. To ...
One of the reasons for its success is that science has built-i,error-correcting machinery at its very heart.Some may consider this an overbroad characterizatio,but to me every time we exercise self-criticis,every time we test our ideas against the outside worl,we are doing science.When ...