基于各大互联网购票平台的大数据分析功能,为电影行业更好地了解观众消费行为和市场趋势提供了切实可循的数据结论和建议策略。通过互联网铺就的渠道,越来越多的从业者意识到,只有___观众的需求,才能创作出群众___的作品,实现观众和电影行业的双赢。 依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是:
“He looked round for his gun, but in place of the clean, well-oiled fowling-piece, he found an old firelock lying by him, the barrel incrusted with rust, the lock falling off, and the stock worm-eaten...
Though this word most commonly appears as a noun in the phrase "in retrospect," it can also be used as a verb. The prefix retro-means “back," and spect is a component of the words inspect, spectator, spectacles, and perspective, among others, which all have to do with looking or se...
One of the reasons for its success is that science has built-i,error-correcting machinery at its very heart.Some may consider this an overbroad characterizatio,but to me every time we exercise self-criticis,every time we test our ideas against the outside worl,we are doing science.When w...
What is epilepsy? Epilepsyis a chronicdisorderthat means the same thing asseizure disorders. It’s known for its unpredictable and unprovoked seizures. It comes in a wide range of types and varies from person to person. The wordepilepsyitself doesn’t indicate anything about the cause or sever...
The other reason that I knew it was a demon on her was that no one all of a sudden loses 50% of their memory ability within 24 hours. There is no physical or chemical damage that could have occurred to her brain during the hypnotism session that could have caused something like this ...
Chapter 15. WHAT WAS CAUGHT IN THE TRAPS THAT WERE SET How Bradley Headstone had been racked and riven in his mind since...