Second, work with root words whose meaning is easier for your child to understand and that relate to words he already knows. For example, auto (self) and spect (to look) should be studied before fer (to carry).How Do We Teach Latin Roots in All About Spelling?Experience...
The Greek word presbyter (πρεσβύτερος [presbyteros]), even, is the root of our English word priest. Even saying it, though, it struck me as odd: If the New Testament Greek word presbyteros is the origin of the English word “priest,” why is it that the Old ...
“Changed words” were selected in the pre-annotation phase because they are known in the literature as having undergone lexical semantic change associated to the late antiquity period, while “stable words” were chosen because they are not known as having undergone lexical semantic change ...
So far,however, fewscholarshaveremarkedthatin themid-secondcentury Ro mewascelebratedby thefamousGreekrhetoricianandsophistAeliusAristeidesas themotherof citizensall over theworld–an ideathatalreadyfindsits rootsin laterepublicandebatesaboutcitizenship,andthatbecameofficiallya tangiblerealitywithCaracalla’sconst...