在拉丁语句子“Agricolae lūnam spectant.”中的lunam是luna的单数宾格形式。 相信您已经了解-nt是表“第三人称单数”的尾缀,所以spectant的意思是“他们在看”。 这样就很容易理解拉丁语的“Agricolae lūnam spectant.”对应英语的“The farmers are watching th...
In many cases, the meaning of the root is just a clue to the meaning of the word. For example, the word introspection comes from the prefix intro (meaning inward) and the root spect (meaning to look). We can’t literally translate the word to inward look, but we can get the gist ...
The homonym meaning ‘broth, soup’ is related to Sanskrit yū́ṣ and maybe Greek ζύμη (Proto-Indo-European *i(e/o)uH-s-‘broth, soup’); the other derives from the Proto-Indo-European root *h 2 oi-u‘vital force’ > *h 2 ieu-os/es (de Vaan 2008: 316). While ...
The Greek word presbyter (πρεσβύτερος [presbyteros]), even, is the root of our English word priest. Even saying it, though, it struck me as odd: If the New Testament Greek word presbyteros is the origin of the English word “priest,” why is it that the Old ...
So far,however, fewscholarshaveremarkedthatin themid-secondcentury Ro mewascelebratedby thefamousGreekrhetoricianandsophistAeliusAristeidesas themotherof citizensall over theworld–an ideathatalreadyfindsits rootsin laterepublicandebatesaboutcitizenship,andthatbecameofficiallya tangiblerealitywithCaracalla’sconst...