IRS Form 1040 is used to file your individual tax return each year. You may also need to file other types of 1040 forms depending on your sources of income and the deductions you're claiming, such as Schedule A or Schedule C. Prepare for the upcoming tax
Your 1095-B Form is used to report on your health care coverage and the coverage of your dependents. This tax form serves as verification that you and your dependents meet the minimum health insurance requirements of the Affordable Care Act. Learn about
The first thing you need to do is to figure out what method is best for you. Where Is Your Voice Mail? Old messages are usually in one of three places. Your smartphone or cell phone’s voicemail A digital answering machine or landline voicemail system Or an answering machine that ...
Medicare fraud Fraudsters are always looking for new ways to steal your money or PII. Here’s what to do if you’ve been the victim of an online scam: 1. Credit or debit card scams Waking up to a fraudulent charge on your credit or debit card isn’t how you imagine starting your da...
What are the plan's deductibles, coinsurance and copays? What's the plan's out-of-pocket maximum? » MORE: What you'll pay for Medicare Shopping for Medicare Advantage plans? We have you covered. MEDICARE ADVANTAGE is an alternative to traditional Medicare offered by private health insurers...
Vishing (voice phishing) is a form of attack that attempts to trick victims into giving up sensitive personal information over the phone.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and Any other organization acting on behalf of the IRS Note: The publication restricts agencies from masking FTI to avoid the confidentiality requirements and data controls set forth by the IRS. What are Returns and Return Information? The publicati...
That’s what this article is about, because during this time, Medicare Open Enrollment scams are everywhere. The Do’s and Don’ts During Medicare Open Enrollment. Here’s what you need to look out for! Medicare doesn’t call people during open enrollment. Hang up!
In return, the agent’s obliged to do certain things for the principal, such as attending meetings or taking phone calls on the principal’s behalf. This is the formal definition, but the phenomenon of the agency goes far beyond a legal definition. If you don’t manage agency costs, you...
Social Security. SSI is designed to meet the basic needs of older, blind, and/or disabled Americans who have little or no income. SSI consists of a monthly payment to help with the cost of food, clothing, and shelter and can let you qualify for Medicaid coverage as well as food stamps...