Small business owners and self-employed individuals can use a Schedule C form to report profits or losses from a business. When you file your taxes, you can attach Schedule C to your regular 1040 form. If you recently became self-employed or started a bu
Scope of IRS Publication 1075What is the IRS Safeguards Program? What Regulations and Controls are Imposed by IRS 1075?Penalties for Non-Compliance with IRS 1075How Does the IRS 1075 Impact Cybersecurity?How Can UpGuard Help? Internal Revenue Service Publication 1075 (IRS-1075) is a set of...
Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, is a bundled alternative to Original Medicare. Private insurance companies that sell Medicare Advantage plans contract with the federal government to provide health insurance benefits to people who qualify for Medicare. What is Medicare Advantage? Medic...
Medicare fraud Fraudsters are always looking for new ways to steal your money or PII. Here’s what to do if you’ve been the victim of an online scam: 1. Credit or debit card scams Waking up to a fraudulent charge on your credit or debit card isn’t how you imagine starting your da...
MedicareOpens a new window. Apply for BenefitsOpens a new window. Social Security Office LocatorOpens a new window. This website is operated by GoHealth, LLC., a licensed health insurance company. The website and its contents are for informational and educational...
If your personal information is compromised, verify the breach through official sources, then change passwords, enable 2FA, and freeze your credit. Monitor your accounts, check credit reports for fraud, and report identity theft to 1. Verify That Your Information Has Been Leaked...
This is the main group for which Medicare was set up. In order to qualify, though,you’ll need to fulfill two requirements: You must have been a U.S. citizen or permanent resident for more than 5 years, and You must have paid Medicare taxes for at least 10 years to getpremium-free...
It is theU.S. government program that offers health insurance primarilyto people 65 and older, but other select groups may be eligible as well. You have to sign up for Medicare to be part of it—it isn’t automatic. Once signed up, you get a Medicare Card and number. ...
Why? There is a Social Security wage base as well as an additional Medicare tax. Social Security wage base You must pay the 12.4% Social Security portion of self-employment tax until you earn above the Social Security wage base. This wage base is subject to change annually. For 2025, the...
Financial Assistance for Individuals and Families Theseprograms provide benefitsin the form of payments, goods, or services to help with basic living expenses if you qualify due to low wages. Unemployment Insurance Unemployment insurance (UI)is a federal and state program. The states administer the ...