What is Lamotrigine used for? Lamotrigine is used alone or with other medications to prevent and control seizures. It may also be used to help prevent the extreme mood swings of bipolar disorder in adults. Lamotrigine is known as an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug. It is thought to work ...
Bipolar disorderinvolves episodes of depression, usually severe, alternating with episodes of extreme elation or irritability called mania. This condition is sometimes called by its older name,manic depressivedisorder. The depression that is associated with bipolar disorderis often referred to as a bipola...
What are the diseases that a person can have as a result of the malfunction of satellite glial cells (nerve cells)? What complement component deficiency leads to the most severe clinical manifestations? What is the name for the study of disease involving the functional or physiologi...
What are two additional drugs, treatments, or therapies thought to increase one's lifespan? What is the evidence?Telomeres:Telomeres are DNA sequences seen at the end of a chromosome. While they protect DNA, they get shorter with each cell division....
consider a different medication.Lamotrigine(brand nameLamictal) might be a good choice, as it’s effective yet less likely to causeweight gain. Trials show that fewer than 5% of people on lamotrigine gain weight, according to Dr. Tai; however, lamotrigine is not used to treat acute manic epi...
Mood disorders can be messy and complex but they need our attention more than ever if care is going to improve, says one writer who lives with the condition
is on stabilizing moods with anti-manic or anticonvulsant medications like lithium, lamotrigine, carbamazepine, and valproic acid. As in medication treatment for depression, sometimes the use of atypical antipsychotic drugs is necessary. Some people with this disorder also take benzodiazepines for anxiety...
Imagine being able to make your emotions work for you rather than experiencing emotions as erratic feelings that control you (Learn How To Control Your Emotions). The ability to do that is known as emotional intelligence. The essence of emotional intelligence is being able to ...
“A primary headache is a headache that occurs independently and is not caused by another medical condition,” says Dr. Estemalik. “Secondary headache is when the head pain is being caused by another health issue; for example, a brain tumor would be a secondary cause of headache.” Secondar...
is $1166.88. The generic version of Aptiom is available at Accredited International Pharmacies for a low price of $149.99: an 87% discount! Using a discount card from PharmacyChecker, you can find an 81% savings on generic lamotrigine compared to the average retail price in the U.S. You ...