WhatIam asking iswhether we should respect the two principles of assumed innocence and the onus of proof being on the [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 我所問的是我們應否尊重我剛 才所說的假設無罪及舉證責任在控方這兩個原則,據此處理有關檢控?
The judge could accept her explanation, or the judge could reject her explanation, find her in civil contempt and order her to be held in jail until she either produces the encryption key or the issue becomes moot (i.e., the case in which he key is needed is resolved). It is unfortun...
If it hadn't settled and we went to civil trial, I think that it would have followed the res-ipsa-loquitur (the claim speaks for itself) doctrine. In my case, the defendant was negligent and I had no part in the negligence. The accident and injury was caused by a car, which the d...
It is possible that some of the alleged SRA cases are actually incest cases in which the victim's emotional disturbance, distortions, or confabulated memories result in SRA-like manifestations emerging or being suggested during the course of therapy. This is one hypothesis that has to be seriousl...
I think I would make a terrible juror. I'm always giving people the benefit of the doubt, even when they don't deserve it. Bylighth0se33— On Aug 25, 2012 My cousin is an expert in DUI law, and he says that these cases are often so easy to prove beyond reasonable doubt. You ...
Let's say Republicans did get rid of the filibuster. There's no guarantee they'll keep control forever, which means eventually Democrats will be able to completely shut Republicans out of power, after they regain control. And it all boils down to who is sitting in the Oval Office. If the...