burden of proof n (Law)lawthe obligation, in criminal cases resting initially on the prosecution, to provide evidence that will convince the court or jury of the truth of one's contention Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991,...
The obligations one party must meet to prove a fact in court. The party holding the burden of proof in a case must back each of his/her assertions with evidence for them to be legally acceptable. In a criminal case, the burden of proof rests with the prosecutor; in a civil case, it...
The Prosecution for Bearing the Onus of Proof Exception and Resolving Approach in the Criminal Procedure我国立法及诉讼理论均主张刑事诉讼举证责任由控方承担,被告方几乎不承担任何举证责任,这虽体现了对被告人权利的尊重和保护,却忽视了对事实真相的发现及诉讼效率的提高,使控方举证面临实际困难,从而影响了打击...
These three burdens of proof are:the reasonable doubt standard, probable cause and reasonable suspicion. This post describes each burden and identifies when they are required during the criminal justice process. Who asserts must prove? The normal rule in civil cases is "he who asserts must prove...
In doing so, Member States should consider innovative legal techniques, such as the reversal of the onus of proof to establish the lawful origin of the proceeds, preventive measures for politically exposed persons, the criminal liability of legal persons or civil forfeiture techniques. 这样做时,会...
accordance with the practice in criminal prosecution,theonusofproof shouldbe ontheprosecution, not the defendant. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk (b) 主席持相反意見,認 為根據刑事檢控常 規,舉證責任應在控方,而不應落在被告 人身上。 legco.gov.hk ...
Burden of Proof The obligations one party must meet to prove a fact in court. The party holding the burden of proof in a case must back each of his/her assertions with evidence for them to be legally acceptable. In a criminal case, the burden of proof rests with the prosecutor; in a...
accordance with the practice in criminal prosecution,theonusofproof shouldbe ontheprosecution, not the defendant. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk (b) 主席持相反意見,認 為根據刑事檢控常 規,舉證責任應在控方,而不應落在被告 人身上。 legco.gov.hk ...
Analysis of the burden of proof in labor dispute cases; 论劳动争议案件举证责任 更多例句>> 4) Evidential burden 举证责任 1. Evidential burdenin medical dispute lawsuits; 医疗纠纷民事诉讼的举证责任 2. On Evidential Burden In Criminal Charge ——A Comparison between the view of our country and th...