What is the net neutrality debate? The net neutrality debate, in short, is the discussion of whether or not Internet access should be considered a public service or a private one. Those who support net neutrality believe that the Internet should remain free and open as it is, and they beli...
Net neutrality is the concept that internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data moving across their networks the same, neither discriminating against nor preferring certain content. This way, ISPs can’t perform actions like speeding up traffic for platforms they favor or blocking access...
The Federal Communications Commission will vote Thursday on a question that will change the Internet for all of us: Should some Americans be allowed to pay extra for faster service, or is Internet access a new American right -- equal for all. It's called net neutrality....
The net neutrality debate Net neutrality is a contentious concept that has had a rollercoasterlike evolution. The debate centers largely around perceptions of the proper role of government regulation and whether internet access should be legally classified as an opt-in service or a public utility. W...
First and foremost, educate yourself. This is just a basic article. If you have time, I encourage you to watch comedian John Oliver’s coverage of the Net Neutrality Debate. In addition, continue to call your local Congressman to fight for your net neutrality rights....
The Debate: Should Net Neutrality Be Regulated? Many of the arguments around net neutrality don't come down to whether net neutrality is good in and of itself, but whether government regulation is necessary to preserve it or whether that regulation is harmful to future innovation. ...
Taylor, SteveHettick, Larry
neutrality protections. but researchers think the vast majority of those comments came from bots. we took a look at the evidence and what it means for the future of online debate. fcc plan to kill net neutrality rules could hurt students broadband plays a crucial role in education, from ...
Net Neutralityhas been a subject of debate recently, and probably people are still debating the new rules that emerged a few years back. This post explains what is Net Neutrality really about in simple terms, why is it important, pros and cons, how it affects people trying something on the...
1980s –The internet begins being used for commercial purposes, sparking a debate in America about the role of the internet in society. At this point, it was considered an information service; the question of whether these entities had any community-based duties to the service users is left ...