This can then be used in an "owner" entity type, for example, to store the contact details of an author:C# Copy public class Author { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public ContactDetails Contact { get; set; } } The aggregate type is configured ...
Imaging is of utmost importance as a basis for selecting the optimal treatment strategies and as an aid for precise target delineation. Anatomical imaging such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been the most commonly used pretreatment staging modalities, whereas ...
public class Author { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public ContactDetails Contact { get; set; } } The aggregate type is configured in OnModelCreating using OwnsOne:C# Copy protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { modelBuilder.Entity...
What Ever Happened to Country Music on the Nashville Network?
[a] WHERE (CAST(JSON_VALUE([a].[Contact],'$.Address.City') AS nvarchar(max)) = N'Chigley' AND CAST(JSON_VALUE([a].[Contact],'$.Phone') AS nvarchar(max)) IS NOT NULL) OR ([a].[Name] LIKE N'D%') ORDER BY CAST(JSON_VALUE([a].[Contact],'$.Phone') AS nvarchar(max)...
await context.Posts.Where(p => p.Author!.Name.StartsWith("Arthur")).ExecuteDeleteAsync(); 使用TPH 时,生成以下 SQL:SQL 复制 DELETE FROM [p] FROM [Posts] AS [p] LEFT JOIN [Authors] AS [a] ON [p].[AuthorId] = [a].[Id] WHERE [a].[Name] IS NOT NULL AND ([a].[Name] ...
await context.Posts.Where(p => p.Author!.Name.StartsWith("Arthur")).ExecuteDeleteAsync(); 使用TPH 时,生成以下 SQL:SQL 复制 DELETE FROM [p] FROM [Posts] AS [p] LEFT JOIN [Authors] AS [a] ON [p].[AuthorId] = [a].[Id] WHERE [a].[Name] IS NOT NULL AND ([a].[Name] ...
await context.Posts.Where(p => p.Author!.Name.StartsWith("Arthur")).ExecuteDeleteAsync(); 使用TPH 时,生成以下 SQL:SQL 复制 DELETE FROM [p] FROM [Posts] AS [p] LEFT JOIN [Authors] AS [a] ON [p].[AuthorId] = [a].[Id] WHERE [a].[Name] IS NOT NULL AND ([a].[Name] ...
[a] WHERE (CAST(JSON_VALUE([a].[Contact],'$.Address.City') AS nvarchar(max)) = N'Chigley' AND CAST(JSON_VALUE([a].[Contact],'$.Phone') AS nvarchar(max)) IS NOT NULL) OR ([a].[Name] LIKE N'D%') ORDER BY CAST(JSON_VALUE([a].[Contact],'$.Phone') AS nvarchar(max)...
[a] WHERE (CAST(JSON_VALUE([a].[Contact],'$.Address.City') AS nvarchar(max)) = N'Chigley' AND CAST(JSON_VALUE([a].[Contact],'$.Phone') AS nvarchar(max)) IS NOT NULL) OR ([a].[Name] LIKE N'D%') ORDER BY CAST(JSON_VALUE([a].[Contact],'$.Phone') AS nvarchar(max)...