The gong, or gangsa in the local dialect, has always been animportant part of the Cordillera people's culturethat has been passed on from one generation to another. The gangsa is a single hand-held smooth-surfaced gong with a narrow rim. ... The RDC-CAR had the Cordillera Unity Gong ...
and render meaning to each. The interpretation is not the experience of what is. Though they are all illusionary, but some think their meaning or interpretation is the only right one. Then the separation in space starts, and the divisions ...
Paired with humorous and relatable comics – scenarios from LaoLao’s own life – at the start of each chapter, it’s a fresh take on motivation and the meaning of school. Open: A Boy’s Wayang Adventureby Eva Wong Nava was inspired by Eva’s own difficulty in finding children’s books...
What we have got so far, however, is a good sense of President Obama’s political style. In that regard his first 100 days have been, on the whole, pretty good. According to a new New York Times/CBS poll, 68% of Americans believe that Obama is a “different” kind of politician. ...