Wayang kulit combinesdeep spiritual meaning, entertaining storytelling, extraordinary musicality (both in the gamelan and vocals), deep philosophical messages, current political commentary, and bawdy humor. It is one of the most complete art forms, with everything in the hands of the dhalang. What ...
Wayang kulit combinesdeep spiritual meaning, entertaining storytelling, extraordinary musicality (both in the gamelan and vocals), deep philosophical messages, current political commentary, and bawdy humor. It is one of the most complete art forms, with everything in the hands of the dhalang. ...
2. RESEARCH METHOD The research of Wanda Pandawa Lima Wayang Kulit Surakarta is a literature study whose study is textual by looking at the phenomenon of art as a text to be read, given meaning and described in its structure. This textual study is to analyze a number of meanings of the ...
This will also reduce the occurrence of distortion in meaning or misunderstanding of meaning which frequently occurs amongst pesindhen. In this research, the writer is also required to compile new wangsalan texts (cakepan) to meet the needs of wangsalan in the performance of wayang kulit. The...
It might seem that the Bratayuda story as a symbol of prosperity is an influence of the meaning of the wayang performance at the bersih dean ceremony dedicated to Dewi Sri (Goridevi of Rice). Key words: performing arts -- wayang kulit purwa - sadranan rite -Bratayuda story - symbol ru...
When was wayang kulit most popular? This genre was popular in both courts and villagesuntil the 1960s. Wayang golek is performed with three-dimensional wooden rod puppets. It is most popular along the north coast of Java and in Sunda, the highland area of West Java. ...
The word Wayangcomes from the Javanese word meaning "shadow". When viewed from the meaning ofphilosophy, "wayang" can be interpreted as a shadow or a reflection of the properties thatexist in the human psyche, such as anger/wrath, virtue, greed and others. The researchmethod used is ...