For fun, below is alist of personality types associated with medical specialtieswho score high in sensing, thinking, and judging. You can take thetestto see if you have thebest personality for a doctorand where you fit on this list. Does it resonate with you? Still want to be a doctor...
"I am capable of achieving my goals, even if it takes longer than I initially planned. The journey is just as important as the destination." Preservers (SJs) Preservers are the Sensing-Judgers of the 16-type system (ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ). They are practical, want to be responsible...
Note This is not meant to be a formal definition of INFP like most terms we define on, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of INFP that will help our users expand their word mastery. ...
Most people with the INTJ personality type (Architects) feel slightly out of step with the masses, strongly preferring to not only define a unique path for their lives but also to walk it independently. It isn’t that they don’t value the “mainland” – meaning the resources, support, ...
Find the deeper meaning of life Encourage others to find their potential Average INFJs Feel Less Responsibility Around: Maintenance of household appliances Routine maintenance of vehicles Physical self-care (Tends to put others’ needs before own) ...
Myers-Briggs and Temperament Groups: What Are Guardians, Artisans, Idealists, and Rationals? 35 Problems and Struggles All INTJs Face The Glitchy Spot of the INFJ Cracking the Codes Behind MBTI: Improving Your Extraverted Intuition
they strongly believe in their responsibility to their communities, families, and traditions. Through hard work and logistical planning, they hope to create a sense of security and stability in the world. For the ISTJ, ambition is about having a place of expertise to contribute and being usef...
ISTJmeaning Practical and clear-minded, an ISTJ focuses on the facts of any situation they involve themselves in. They’re reliable, with a laser-focused mathematical mind. ISFJmeaning The ISFJ desires to serve and (you guessed it) defend others. These personality types are warm, empathetic, ...
ISTJ ISFJ ISFP Type One Type Four Type Nine Known for their tenacity and down-to-earth demeanor, Taurus is the stubborn bull of the zodiac. But people born between April 20 and May 20 are not all hard-headed, unmovable beasts like their symbol suggests – they’re actually one of the ...
For Growth: Born a Crime, by Trevor Noah, is the famous comedian’s account of growing up in apartheid South Africa as a biracial young person. Sentinel Personality Types Logistician (ISTJ) These personalities work hard and establish themselves as people who can be relied on. A sense of i...