Istj people are always traditional and cautious. They listen and like to state things accurately and clearly. Istj type people naturally do not like to show, even in times of crisis, they appear very calm. They always seem duty bound and firm, but under their calm appearance, they may have...
-Be funny ^, just be goofy and lighthearted, I think that's how you form great humour over time. -Be wary of their body language and your own. For example, you don't want to stand "face-to-face" with your body, so to speak. Try to have your feet angled somewhere else so that...
et al. A major outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong. N Engl J Med.2003;348:1986-1994. Scholar 5. Booth CM, Matukas LM, Tomlinson GA. et al. Clinical features and ...
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