There are various verses that have the same meaning. For instance, al-An’am 43, al-Anfal 48, an-Nahl 63, al-Ankabut 48, al-Hijr 39… The greatest activity of Satan is to present sins as nice and attractive things to people. For instance, when two people argue, they may fight; ...
What is the meaning of Zunaira in Urdu? Zunaira is an Arabic feminine name meaning“guiding light”. It is also a variant of he names Zinnaira and Zinneera. Zunairah al-Rumiya was a Muslim figure who was tortured until she became blind and her sight was restored by a miracle from Alla...
ANSWER 1 Here are the properties of Mahdi; a. He is from Ahl-i Bayt We learn from the hadiths that Mahdi is from Ahl-i Bayt. It is stated in several hadiths clearly. Once Hazrat Ali asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh): O Messenger of Allah! Is Mahdi from
When the encysted microbe reaches an environment favorable to its growth and survival, the cyst wall breaks down by a process known as excystation. What is the excitatory neurotransmitter? Excitatory neurotransmitters: These types of neurotransmitters have excitatory effects on the neuron, meaning they...
music is not technique and melody, but the meaning of life itself, infinitely sorrowful and unbearably beautiful. —Pearl S. Buck 26 Music is the thousandth of a millisecond between one note and another; how you get from one to the other-that's where the music is. —Isaac Stern ...
The term itself may not be problematic but the careless and inconsistent use of terminology has led to a confusion about the meaning of the term. The use of the term may be continued but it should be defined in a more comprehensive and scientific way. Here, a more comprehensive definition ...
behaviour: it may have an evolutionary/genetic component according to some materialistically minded people or it may be environmentally determined according to people of a more behaviourist bent or it may be innate and an essential component of someone’s personhood, as is the claim of many ...
According to the tafsirs, at the time that Surah al-Ahzab ayah 59 was revealed, the meaning of "everything that must be covered around non-mahram men" may have been everything except the eyes to see the way. I have argued that the final rule on "everything that must be covered ...
What Surah is Surah al Kahf? Al-Kahf (Arabic: الكهف, al-kahf; meaning: The Cave) isthe 18th chapter (sūrah) of the Quranwith 110 verses (āyāt). Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier "Meccan surah",...
Although this meaning is valid for all ages and for the whole world of humanity, it addresses the Companions, who are the first people to be addressed by those verses, and the struggle between belief and unbelief in the Arabian Peninsula more. When the religion of Is...