The Importance of Cleanliness in Islam Why is Cleanliness Regarded as a Necessity of Belief? How Many Types of Cleanliness are there? What does Cleanliness from Najasah Mean? What does Cleanliness from Hadath Mean? How Many Types of Hadaths are there?
The Activities of Satan In various places in the Quran, what kind of activities Satan does and will do are pointed out in the verses. For instance: When We said to the angels, "Prostrate yourselves to Adam" they prostrated themselves, but not Iblis: he r
Who is Hazrat Zunaira? Zunairah wasa concubine of the Banu Makhzum and a slave of Umar ibn al-Khattab. She was amongst the first to embrace Islam in Mecca. After her conversion, she was asked to renounce her new religion but remained steadfast. ... Abu Bakr bought and freed her, al...
which in Islam can only really be assuaged in marriage. Coming from The Prophet (SAW), this is of course excellent advice and makes perfect sense. However, this beautiful
Who was the first Quraish? Right Answer : Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)Similar questions 41Where is samantha lewthwaite? 29How to clean leather? Advertisement Popular questions 21Is sonder an emotion? 15What does ceviche taste like? 42What do wagers do in war thunder? 17Are chocolate golde...
Since Sa'd ibn Abu Waqqas (rAa) does not say "some emigrant women" but instead says "some Qurayshi women", it seems likely that the women only accepted Islam in Ramadan of 8 A.H. and therefore the incident narrated here takes place at or after that time....
When Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), the greatest proclaimer of the belief of oneness started his greatest struggle against polytheism in Makkah, all polytheists opposed him and tried to dissuade him from his cause. They sent his uncle to him as a mediator. When he gave his...
At first glance, it is understood from the hadith that the name of Hazrat Mahdi and his fathers name will resemble the name of our Prophet. However, the resemblance does not mean that it will be exactly the same. That is, the name of the Mahdi does not necessarily have to be Muhammad...
Hazrat Mahdi is a mujaddid (reviver, reformer). God Almighty will restore the religion by means of him. 6 He will make Islam prevail again at the end of time as it was during the era of bliss, and will declare its exaltation and supremacy to the world. Said bin Jubair, author of Nur...
I realised if I were Muslim (that I was), I had to explain terrorism, child marriage in Islam, Sharia law, Islamic philosophy of justice, women’s rights, human rights, and so many more things. If I was just a normal Iranian woman who did not like Rumi or was not rich and ...