The 'caesura,' which is pronounced 'suh-zyur-uh,' is a literary device used mostly in poetry. It occurs when the poet puts a break in the middle of a line in a poem. A caesura can be punctuated with a dash, comma, semi-colon, and other punctuation marks to indicate the pause or...
Caesura is a fancy word for a not-so-awkward pause that occurs in the middle of a line of verse in poetry. ... The Anglo-Saxons were fond ofcaesurae because all those pauses added rhythm that helped them rememberthe poem itself, which was probably being recited all fancy-like at a b...
A caesura is a pause that happens in a musical or poetical composition, or in a conversation. When used alongside punctuation, a...
What is the meaning of the short story Gradation? What is the purpose of African folktales? What makes a short story short? What is the difference between a folktale and a legend? What is the history of the short story? What is The Tale of the Heike about?
Vivid imagery is when the writer uses language that directly appeals to the five senses—touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste—to enable the reader to picture the meaning of the author. Vivid Description When someone talks about vivid descriptions, they're talking about a detailed report abo...
(Astronomy) The nebulous luminescent cloud surrounding the nucleus of a comet and composed of material evaporated from the nucleus when the comet is near the perihelion of its orbit. The nucleus and coma together form the head of a comet. Comma A pause or separation; a caesura. Coma (Botany...
What is the purpose of allegory? Literary Devices in Literature Literary devices are used by authors to guide and direct the reader's involvement and response to a text. They can very effectively make a story's characters and themes simpler and more accessible. Allegory is just one type of ...
In the first stanza, Owen uses ““Legless, sewn short at elbow” where the device of caesura emphasizes his handicapped condition, successfully evoking sympathy from the readers. “He’s lost his colour very far from here- poured it down shell-holes till the veins run dry” is a metaphor...
Pronominal anaphora is a term that comes from the study of linguistics and grammar. The term is part of a system for decoding the ways that language is constructed to create meaning.Answer and Explanation: Anaphora is when, in language, a term refers back to something that has previously ...
Cup: A cup—represented as “u”—is placed over a weak or unstressed syllable. Foot boundary: A boundary mark—represented as “I”—separates the feet in a line of verse. Caesura: A break in speech, either between feet or phrases, is marked by “II.” 2 Examples of Scansion ...