The word caesura, borrowed from Late Latin, is ultimately from Latin caedere meaning "to cut." Nearly as old as the 450-year-old poetry senses is the general meaning of "a break or interruption."Examples of caesura in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Examples are automatically ...
A caesura is a break or pause in the middle of a line of verse. These breaks can be towards the beginning or the end of a line.
or dash. A caesura doesn't have to be placed in the exact middle of a line of poetry. It can be placed anywhere after the first word and before the last word of a line. In the following line from the prologue ofRomeo and Juliet, the comma after "Verona" marks a caesura: "In fai...
The meaning of CAESURA is a usually rhetorical break in the flow of sound in the middle of a line of verse. How to use caesura in a sentence. Did you know?
2.alsoCaesarea Phil·ip·pi(fĭl′ĭ-pī, fĭ-lĭp′ī)An ancient city of northern Palestine near Mount Hermon in present-day southwest Syria. It was built in the first centuryadon the site of a center for the worship of Pan. ...
caesura [ si-zhoor-uh, -zoor-uh, siz-yoor-uh] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun pluralcaesuras,caesurae[si-, zhoor, -ee, -, zoor, -ee, siz-, yoor, -ee]. Prosody.a break, especially a sense pause, usually near the middle of a verse, and marked in scansion by a double vertical ...
2.alsoCaesarea Phil·ip·pi(fĭl′ĭ-pī, fĭ-lĭp′ī)An ancient city of northern Palestine near Mount Hermon in present-day southwest Syria. It was built in the first centuryadon the site of a center for the worship of Pan. ...
Word Origin Take your English to the next level TheOxford Learner’s Thesaurusexplains the difference between groups of similar words. Try it for free as part of theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp Seecaesurain the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary ...
to bring a machine to rest. Synonyms:standstill,halt,stop Music. an interval of silence between tones. a mark or sign indicating an interval of silence between tones. Prosody.a short pause within a line;caesura. a place that provides shelter or lodging for travelers, as an inn. ...
12. A severing of ties: made a break with the past; a break between the two families. 13. Informal A faux pas. 14. A sudden decline in prices. 15. A caesura. 16. Printing a. The space between two paragraphs. b. A series of three dots ( ... ) used to indicate an omission ...