Intervention:Participantswererandomisedtorapidinitialdose escalation(RIDE,n=72)grouportousualclinicalpractice(UCP, n=62).Ondays1–4,oralolanzapineateither20mg(RIDE)or 10mg(UCP)wasadministeredinadditiontoflexibledosingof eitherolanzapine(RIDE;toamaximumof2610mgfordays1–2 ...
Initiation therapy typically begins at 20 mg, though with conditions like panic disorder, the initial recommended dose is 10 mg. In major depressive disorder, many patients respond favorably to the starting dose of 20 mg, but if this insufficient, dosages can climb to a maximum of 80 mg per...
Cushing’s disease (CD) is considered an aggressive pituitary endocrine disorder because of the devastating long-term consequences of untreated hypercortisolemia. Transsphenoidal surgery is clearly the first line therapy of choice; with remission rates of between 65 and 90 % for microadenomas, but ...
It is possible to combine standard stabilization dosages of methadone with standard doses of acid valproic, clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, clomipramine, trimipramine and citalopram. As recorded in the experience of our V.P. Dole DD-RG, we used caution during the methadone induction phase of ...