ANTARESApplication des Nouvelles Technologies au Recrutement des Enseignants du Supérieur(French: Application of New Technologies in the Recruitment of Teachers in Higher Education) ANTARESAdvanced Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engine Simulator ANTARESAdvanced Neutron Tomography and Radiography Experimental System ...
The magnitude 2.4 star Mintaka (Delta Orionis) on Orion's right hip is quite a bit fainter. Alnitak is blue, while the other two stars are whiter in color. In a telescope, Alnitak (Arabic for "the Girdle") is revealed to be a very tightly-spaced double star, while Mintaka is a ...
This was the last great catalog assembled before photography revolutionized astronomical observing. It covers stars down as faint as ninth magnitude, sorting them by their declination (like latitude, but on the sky). After that came the Henry Draper catalog of the early 20th century, named for ...
What is the first magnitude star in Piscis Austrinus? Who named the constellation Orion? What constellation contains Polaris, the North Star? What has the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope discovered? What has the Hubble Telescope discovered about the universe?
This is the view through a telescope during the extremely close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus on August 27. Credit: Stellarium Saturn, Mars and Antares are shown on Sunday night August 21 two nights before their lineup. Mars is still the brightest of the bunch at magnitude –0.5. It ...
The first full moon of 2025, the "Wolf Moon," will move across and block the planet Mars tonight. Moreover, Mars will be shining at the brightest it will get during a four-year period. Now at -1.4 magnitude, the red planet will be hidden by the moon, as seen only from North Ameri...
As he noted of these three stars, “Now, therefore, there are but three Stars of the first magnitude that I could perceive in all those parts which are never seene here in England. The first of these is that bright Star in the sterne of Argo which they call Canobus. The second is ...
" Its center was last located 150 kilometers north-northwest of Basco, Batanes and is expected to exit PAR by Tuesday. PAGASA issues advisory vs fake 'Super Typhoon' posts, SMS Survivors were shaken again late on Thursday night when a powerful 6.0 magnitude quake struck off Ecuador's coast...
making the sky seem more like Bortle 7 than the usual Bortle 6. I decided to image something fairly bright with my 4 inch refractor and chose M106, an 8th magnitude galaxy. It is fairly low in the sky, so I planned an a shorter overall exposure time that I usually try and achieve...
The brightest star in Capricornus isDeneb Algedi(Delta Capricorni), a multiple star system situated 39 light years from Earth that shines with an apparent visual magnitude of +2.85. Notabledeep sky objects in Capricornusinclude a globular cluster (Messier 30), a galaxy group (HCG 87), and som...