Antares has a hot blue companion star, Antares B, of spectral type B2.5 at a separation of about 2.9 arcseconds, or 550 AUs at Antares' estimated distance.[2] At magnitude 5.5, it is only 1/370th as bright visually as Antares A, although it shines with 170 times the Sun's luminosit...
Amateur observers have pegged its apparent magnitude between 0.88 and 1.16. Additionally, it has a small neighbor star (Antares B) that looks bluish-white and is sometimes called "a little spark of glittering emerald." [The Brightest Stars in the Sky: A Starry Countdown] In modern rocketry,...
Binary or Multiple Star System : Yes Radii (Solar) : 680 Apparent Magnitude : 1.06 Variable Type : Slow Irregular Magnitude Variability : 0.906 - 1.067 Age : 13 Mya (11 / 15) Mass : 12.5 (11 / 14.3) Effective Temp. (Kelvin)
The known star closest to that nebula is the 28th of the constellation Ophiuchus, after the catalog of Flamsteed, of sixth magnitude.” The Messier 19 globular cluster, relative to M4, M80 and Antares. Credit: Wikisky While Charles didn’t resolve it, we must give him due credit for ...
The author talks about the occultation by the Moon of the 1st-magnitude red supergiant star Antares on June 6 and 7, 2009. He notes that the majority of the U.S. and Canada, all of Central America and the Caribbean and at northern South America will be able to witness how the Moon,...
Antares, red, semiregular variable star, with apparent visual magnitude about 1.1, the brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius and one of the largest known stars, having several hundred times the diameter of the Sun and 10,000 times the Sun
Antares is a visual double star which can be observed with the help of medium or large telescopes. The table below shows key information about the Antares double sysyem: Main star magnitude0.96 Secondary star magnitude5.16 Magnitude difference4.2 ...