The current dominant economy is linear in its processes: it takes resources, makes goods, and quickly wastes them. This is polluting, wasteful and causing greenhouse gas emissions to spiral upwards. Of the 100 billion tonnes of resources used by the global economy each year, only 8.6% are cyc...
Chapter 1. What Is the Token Economy? Token economics can be understood as a subset of economics that studies the economic institutions, policies, and ethics of the production, distribution, and … - Selection from What Is the Token Economy? [Book]
In a linear economy, natural resources are turned into finished goods that are ultimately disposed of and not given a second chance at use or life. A circular economy is built on reuse, repair, refurbishment and recycling to create a loop system of reuse. The goals of each are different to...
Circular economy overview The World Economic Forum defines a circular economy as “an industrial system that is restorative or regenerative by intention and design.” Instead of today’s linear economy that makes and discards products, generating trash and depleting resources in the process, a ...
The circular economy concept became more defined in 1990 when it appeared in the article Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment, by...
The future is circular By implementing one or more of these circular economy practices, your business can take an important step towards becoming more sustainable, efficient, and competitive. At the forefront of international express delivery,DHL Expressis also equallycommitted to environmenta...
The term circular economy (CE) has both a linguistic and descriptive meaning. Linguistically it is an antonym of a linear economy. A linear economy is one defined as converting natural resources into waste, via production. Such production of waste leads to the deterioration of the environment in...
Find out all about circular economy, a more sustainable production and consumption model that guarantees sustainable growth over time.
What Linear Models of an Economy Can Teach Us The best way to appreciate the importance of convexity in models of the economy is by a careful examination of a linear model. Because a linear model relies on von Neumann's Saddle Value Theorem, this Theorem is the starting point of the ...