世界性研究:拓展论文主题将音乐与英语文学相结合,探究了肯德里克·拉马尔的专辑《To Pimp a Butterfly》中的音乐主题。 对IB 学生而言,拓展论文可能是在整个课程学习期间最难以跨越的一道难关;一篇大学水准的 4000 字论文对我来说的确是一项艰巨的任务。尽管对拓展论文心存畏惧,但指导老师给了我巨大的支持,而撰写拓...
As one of the most ambitious components of the IB, the Extended Essay is an externally assessed piece of independent research where students can engage in a topic that interests them. High-level research skills are needed too, so they can get familiar with the skills they'll use when writing...
TheExtended Essayis not a class but a4,000-word mini-thesis. You choose a topic that needs to be approved by the IB (which isn't very difficult). You also get an advisor (an IB teacher preferably at your school, though you canget access to one at another school through Pamoja Educati...
What sets the CISH IB Diploma Program apart is its focus on developing essential skills for success. Through the core components of the program - the Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and Creativity, Activity, Service - stud...
IBCoreRequirements EETheExtendedEssay(EE)isaresearchassignment,wherestudentshavetochooseaspecificsubjectthenthinkoftheirowntopicrelatingtothatsubjectandcarryouttheirownresearch.Thewordlengthisapproximately4000words.Presentlyallstudentshavechosentheirsubjectsandtopicsinwhichtoresearch.ThefirstdeadlineforthisassessmentisJune...
The IB Diploma Programme requires students to write extensively. One of the components of the senior year is a major - 4000 word - extended essay. The IB examinations require written answers instead of multiple-choice questions, which comprise about half of most AP examinations. This emphasis on...
What is the IB Diploma curriculum? To graduate with an IB Diploma, students need to study six subjects (three each at standard and higher level), which include two languages and subject areas such as Sciences, Mathematics and the Arts. In addition, they must meet requirements in three key ...
If you don’t want to take the full IB Diploma, you can still take Certificates in specific subjects. This would mean that you don’t need to take the three core modules of Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity, Action, Service. It is important to note, however, that you...
What is the IB Grading Scale? Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, and CAS How to Get A Perfect 45The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB/IBDP) is an internationally based educational program that offers courses in numerous studies, ranging from mathematics to humanities, aiming to ...
IB is also used to refer to the International Baccalaureate, a full-time education programme for students aged 16 to 18 years that takes two years to complete. IB students take six subjects, plus a "Theory of Knowledge" course. They must also write an "Extended Essay." Image...