If you're confused by what this report means,EE is short for Extended Essay, and English A1 is the subject that my Extended Essay topic coordinated with. In layman's terms, my IB Diploma was graded in May 2010, I wrote my Extended Essay in the English A1 category, and I received ...
The purpose of this Extended Essay is to examine the shared, central themes between these two works of literature, despite being set on different coasts and almost a century apart from each other. It asks whether the protagonists of both novels can be deemed figuratively insane based on their ...
这个categroy是对目标语言国家的社会文化现象进行研究,English B自然就是English-speaking国家了,一般以英美为主。它细分成两个小类,2a是社会文化现象和语言之间的关联和影响,比如你可以研究社交媒体对年轻人使用英文的影响,女权运动对英文的影响等等,当然...
关于IB写得头发不保的Extended Essay IB必备-Extended Essay Extended Essay是什么? Extended Essay是一个拓展报告,说白了就是一篇比较长,比较复杂的论文报告。Myp做的Personal Project可以说是为Extended Essay做了一个铺垫。 不过当然,EE对于学术性上有更大的要求。不同于Personal Project允许学生自选主题,EE要求学生...
Extended Essay Planning (brainstorm) Topic Question : what are the significant factors for a fashion brand survive in the market? HEAD : In the very first paragraph‚ i’m going to introduce what my topic is about‚ in which regions am I going to research and what my aim is. Then ...
无论是哪一种途径,学校的图书馆和发达的网路世界都是你最大的好朋友呢。在里面,你可以轻易地找到各种数据库,或者前人的研究结果。我们在这里也私心推荐几款学术数据库供大家参考,分别是JSTOR,Project Gutenberg,EBSCO和Internet Archive都是不错的平台哦。
写IB EE(Extended Essay)时最容易犯的五大错误 【第一大忌】用随意找来的文章做Sources!同学们都知道EE写作一定要做好citation,在文中、文末都要列出参考资料。但不是什么文章都”有资格“成为bibliography的一部分,选取质量高的sources是很重要的。那些百度上搜到的作者不详、自己都没有列出参考文献、无法进行...
Extended Essay就是拓展论文,是IB课程中的核心课程,大家也喜欢简称为EE,学生们想要拿到IB文凭,要完成6大学科以及3大核心课程,而3大核心课程中就包括了Extended Essay,这对我们中国留学生来说难度是非常高的,所以海马课堂就为大家提出一点写Extended Essay的技巧,希望大家都能够成功完成IB课程。
在干货!写IB EE(Extended Essay)时最容易犯的十大错误,收藏避免踩坑(上)中,雷劳斯为大家总结了五条IB EE的common mistakes,今天我们接着来看剩下的五条,点赞转发三连避免踩坑!(^-^)V 【第六大忌】用随意找来的文章做Sources...
Re: IB Extended Essay «Reply #2 on:February 20, 2018, 02:25:27 AM » Another IB student here (Year 1). Just in regards to the equipment, you might not be limited to your school's equipment. Consider if your school has partnerships with local universities. Ask your head of depart...