For example, with a Guttman scale, respondents answer “yes” or “no” to questions ranked in a hierarchical order that represents an increasingly extreme position on an issue. Like the Likert scale, the Thurstone scale can help researchers understand attitudes. But while the Likert scale ...
The Ambulation Index scale is a reproducible measure of lower limb disability.9,10 Mri and ms: an introduction Magnetic resonance imaging uses a magnetic field to align all hydrogen nuclei within body tissue in the same direction. A radiofrequency pulse sequence is applied to the tissue to push...
Pseudomonas syringae is one of the most common plant pathogens that infect the phyllosphere. P. syringae can live on the plant surface as an epiphyte. To cause disease, it enters the plant, through wounds or natural openings such as stomata, and multiplies within the apoplast. P. syringae is...
The phenomenon of altruism is generally a considerable component of any society. The phenomenon started to attract the attention of neoclassical economists only recently (e.g., Becker, 1991; Bergstrom, 1996). Altruism can be witnessed at small-scale “gift” sharing in small villages in the ...
Before concluding this work, let us return to some bioethical theories. The theme of the present chapter is integral to bioethics. My main intent is for each reader to revisit his or her definition of the meaning of “interdisciplinary,” a core term in.
Ribosome profiling has the power to interrogate —in vivoand on a global scale — what is being translated, how this translation is regulated and where in the cell the translation of specific sets of proteins occurs. Ribosome profiling, which involves th
Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is a common genetic event in cancer development, and is known to be involved in the somatic loss of wild-type alleles in many inherited cancer syndromes. The wider involvement of LOH in cancer is assumed to relate to unmasking a somatically mutated tumour suppressor...
3. If altruism is about charity,altruism cannot be the de,ning element of the parent–child transfer of wealth.Otherwise, it would be more e,cient–as measured by the amount of welfare per dollar–to support the homeless instead of raising chil-dren. ...
Indeed, concerns about potentially low emotional intelligence were among the most common reasons participants named for not wanting their partner to be too intelligent. Overall, there is considerable evidence that particularly intelligence but also creativity and emotional competence are desirable in an ...
Healthcare 2013, 1, 20-52; doi:10.3390/healthcare1010020 Article OPEN ACCESS healthcare ISSN 2227-9032 Emerging Therapeutic Enhancement Enabling Health Technologies and Their Discourses: What Is Discussed within the Health Domain? Gregor Wolbring 1,*, Lucy Diep 1,...